makes the person, on application to the Supreme Court by the society, liable to be committed for contempt as if in breach of an order or judgment of the Supreme Court.
Community Legal Assistance Society - The Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) provides free legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout BC, specializing in the areas of poverty, disability, workers' compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. Their activities include test case and Charter litigation; service case work and law reform; liaison and consultation with community groups; legal supervision of advocacy groups and law students; publication of legal materials designed to assist self-represented litigants; and legal training and support to lay advocates, community groups, law students, and lawyers doing pro bono work.

Legal Services Society - The Legal Services Society (LSS) is the organization that provides legal aid in BC. If you have a legal problem and can't afford a lawyer, LSS can help. Follow the link to its website to use the self-help information on its excellent Family Law in BC website or who read its other free legal information publications. You can also find out if you qualify for some legal advice from a lawyer or even for a lawyer to take your case.
CBABC Lawyer Referral Service - The CBABC Lawyer Referral Service enables members of the public to consult with a lawyer for up to 30 minutes for a fee of $25. After the consultation, the fees to be charged are strictly between the lawyer and the client. The lawyer is not obliged to accept the applicant's case and the applicant is under no obligation to retain the lawyer.